Available as single machine perpetual license or our Enterprise multi-user/multi-location subscription licensing. BrandMap provides for easy data access or entry, fast calculation and presentation of statistics, and rapid graphical production of maps and charts. Just highlight your data table (complete with labels) and BrandMap calculates the relevant statistics and produces fully automatically labeled maps.
Get Startedcalculates and graphically displays the attribute changes necessary for brand re-positioning to any point on a map. Move the Brand Projector object to any point on the map and select the Brand to be moved. Bar charts then display actual or percent change needed in the attributes for the Brand to get to that point. Works with most map types.
Get Startedallows a researcher to adjust an attribute higher or lower while watching the brand move on a biplot. Attribute effects can be examined in conjunction with other changes or evaluated separately. Bar charts of original and projected attribute levels dynamically adjust to show the corresponding effects on the other attributes.
Get Startedfor user friendly, rapid analysis and production of presentation ready biplot, correspondence, mdpref and MCA maps directly from your tables. BrandMap is in use with manufacturers, financial institutions, marketing research firms, ad agencies, consultancies and universities world wide.
Get StartedFor those currently using other means to produce perceptual maps, BrandMap delivers significant time savings in analysing your data. The rapid, interactive nature of BrandMap makes it possible to take several different looks at your data in a very short time. You can easily try different mapping techniques or options and visually compare the maps of your data. Automatic intersecting lines can be dropped from the brands onto the attribute vectors.
For those currently using other means to produce perceptual maps, BrandMap delivers significant time savings in producing presentation ready maps. There is no need to use additional graphic software, or departments to massage the output. BrandMap provides for easy data access or entry, fast calculation and presentation of statistics, and rapid graphical production of maps and charts. Just highlight your data table (complete with labels) and BrandMap calculates the relevant statistics and produces fully automatically labeled, presentation ready perceptual maps. There is extensive flexibility provided both in terms of statistical options as well as in the graphical presentation.
BrandMap provides completely presentation ready output and extensive flexibility in terms of fonts, annotations, flips, and rotations. Excellent quality output is provided to laser and color printers. Data point labels are automatically placed so as to not overlap and can be easily placed manually as well. Also provided is an easy to use procedure for copying your BrandMap into presentation packages such as PowerPoint. And the output can be exported as MSOffice compatible graphics!
Try out the features of BrandMap for yourself or your organization.
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