BrandTrend® DM

Trend Information Delivery and Analysis System

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The most advanced trend charting software system available!

Finally, easy to use, interactive, full featured tables, charts, and trend charts from all of your data can be at your fingertips. Now BrandTrend® can attach to any Dimensions dataset giving unparalled data access.  This combination provides both unbeatable speed and ease of use.

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Exclusive Zoom Analysis screen -- with diagnostic charts and a written analysis

The zoom analysis screen indicates the media trends over the time period as well as the media effect slope, the correlation with the response measure, and the ratio of spend to the increase in the response measure. The analysis continues by ranking the ad executions in order of those most likely to be influencing the increase in the response measure over the selected time period.

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Exclusive Dynamic Visualization screen -- scroll through time to actually see your media at work

The Dynamic Analysis screen allows the analyst to scroll back and forth through time making it visually easy to correlate movements in the response measure with changes in individual executions or the appearance of events.

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Please contact us so we can arrange for a demonstration of BrandTrend DM

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