Frequently asked questions

If you have any other questions you want to ask, please get in touch.

How do I use your product?

Probably the first thing you will wish to do is to enter some data. You can type in a table, paste in a table from Excel or other spreadsheet software, or import an Excel file that contains the data you want to map or chart. Once you have the data in BrandMap 10, to produce a perceptual map (biplot, correspondence, or mdpref), highlight a table on your Statistics sheet(where the first row and the first column contain text descriptions), select from the Maps tab, select the biplot, Correspondence ,Mdpref or MCA icon on the menu bar and use the dialog defaults. 

How do I get in touch?

You can use our contact or support forms on this website, email, or call us at
+1 630 969 4374x0 during working hours US Central time.

How long is the trial?

We offer a 30 day full-featured demo.

How do I get setup?

You download the program and use the standard Windows or Mac package installer.

Can I share my account?

Our single PC (or Mac) licenses can be easily transferred from machine to machine.  Contact us if you have particular concerns.

Do you offer a subscription?

Our multi-user/multi-location Enterprise licenses are offered on a subscription basis.  This can be as small as a 1 concurrent user, 1 location license.

Do you offer student discount?

We offer an Academic license to Educational institutions — an unlimited user license at $300USD per year.

How do I return an item?

Just contact us before deleting the software or the license so we can confirm the removal.  We have a 60 day money back guarantee.

Do you offer refunds?

We have a 60 day money back guarantee.  Just contact us before deleting the software or the license so we can confirm the removal.